Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal
2021-05-05 14:33:52 UTC
I have an application which is ported from Delphi to FreePascal and will be used
on Raspberry Pi (Debian based Linux).
It uses Indy10 components. Indy is installed using OnLinePackageManager in
The problem I have is that when I run the application it gets an exception when
trying to send an email via an SSL encrypted SMTP mail server.
The exception log I have shows this:
ERROR: Exception during email send: Could not load SSL library.
When searching for this problem I found a Lazarus forum thread dealing in the
same, where a openssl version clash is the reason:,48974.msg354212.html#msg354212
This post states that the problem is solved in FPC 3.2.0
The core of the problem seems to be the openssl version clash...
Any ideas on how to solve this on Pi-OS Linux?
on Raspberry Pi (Debian based Linux).
It uses Indy10 components. Indy is installed using OnLinePackageManager in
The problem I have is that when I run the application it gets an exception when
trying to send an email via an SSL encrypted SMTP mail server.
The exception log I have shows this:
ERROR: Exception during email send: Could not load SSL library.
When searching for this problem I found a Lazarus forum thread dealing in the
same, where a openssl version clash is the reason:,48974.msg354212.html#msg354212
This post states that the problem is solved in FPC 3.2.0
The core of the problem seems to be the openssl version clash...
Any ideas on how to solve this on Pi-OS Linux?
Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden
fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-***
Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden
fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-***